02-02-2013, 03:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2013, 07:59 AM by SuperFlomm.)
Hey, I ripped the voices from Portal 2 and everthing from Source Film Maker
Most of the files are from Portal 2, SFM dosn't have many sound files.
I left out the music only files from SFM, but some of the included files have music in the background, so I don't know if they can be accepted.
Ignore them if they are not appreciated
A video wih some of the sounds of Portal 2:
What do you think? Should I make more or scratch that?
sorry for taking so long!
the sounds with music behind them should be taken out, as they wouldn't be useful.
although... I see another problem. the first pack is 200MB and the second one is around 80. the site's current limit is 30MB, so I'll need you to split up the sounds into parts until each one meets that criteria (preferably categorized, but if not then several "everything" packs is okay too). also make sure the packs don't actually hit 30, or else it might go a few kilobytes over and the site won't take it. basically 29.99MB and under.
The small 30 MB parts are inside the larger one just unpack the big one.
You'll find 2 folders inside.
Ignore the SFM folder, thats the one with the music.
In the Portal2 folder you should find 17 packs, these are the uploadable files.
Character list:
Adventure Sphere (1 part)
Announcer (1 part)
Caroline (1 part)
Cave Johnson (4 parts)
Defective Turret (1 part)
Fact Sphere (1 part)
GLaDOS (4 parts)
Space Sphere (1 part)
Turret (1 part)
Wheatley (2 parts)
oh welp. 
well, the second archive has both Wheatleys in it which appear to be the same as the ones in the first part... but the second Wheatley has an arrow next to it, and the archives are labeled as .part... should I do anything with the second Wheatleys? they have the same file names so I can't extract them to the same place to merge them or whatever it is you do.
This was one big archive but it was to big for Mediafire (200 MB max),
so I splited it with winrar. The Arrow means that this file is split in multiple parts.
If you unpack one of them, winrar asks you where the second part is, or it will just unpack both if it finds them by itself.
If you want to make sure that it is complete, then look inside wheatley1.rar and make sure that you have all files.
first file: a1_wakeup_pinchergrab01.wav
last file: bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve09.wav
total: 348 files
okay, the first Wheatley matches that, so up they go~
aaand they're up. hope I named them right, as I couldn't tell from the file names what was supposed to be capitalized or spaced out, etc.. :s
OH. that's right, how did I forget about your post up there that very clearly listed them, my bad. 
okay it's fixed.
I found some unused / beta soundfiles hidden inside the german data.
Most of them are from GLaDOS and some sound like there are from a text to speech program.
Very strange :o
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Have some numbers
six, fourty, avocado, fifty
Nice job
PS: I just noticed that the sounds in those folders are not .wav files (despite the extension) but MPEG audio instead (thus WinAMP wouldn't play them (while MPC and Windows Media Player just checked for the contents and ignored the extension)).
PPS: I just checked the GLaDOS (01 / 04) file on tSoR and it's the same case there - MPEG audio disguised as .wav - thus I assume it's the case for all of these.
03-29-2013, 01:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2013, 01:15 PM by SuperFlomm.)
yes I remember. I read somewhere in a forum that most "wavs" in Valve games are MP3s in disguise
MP3 is spy!
Edit: So should I leave them as they are or rename them to MP3s?
yes, I would say that renaming them would be for the best. there might be renaming tools out there but idk...
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If you don't want to search for any batch renaming program, you could use IrfanView. It is an image viewer, but can also batch rename files.
Just start the program, file menu, "Batch conversion/rename".
In the top-left, set "Work as" to "Batch rename" and set the "Batch rename settings" - "Name pattern" to "$N.mp3". Select your files on the right (choose "All files" in the file type dropdown), set an output folder (the folder must exist! You can simply click "use current look-in directory).
03-29-2013, 07:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2013, 07:29 PM by SuperFlomm.)
Thanks Previous!
Correct me if I'm wrong but Cave Johnson 2 - 4, GLaDOS 3 - 4 and Turret are in wav, aren't they?
I didn't include them.