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10-23-2013, 02:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2013, 02:20 PM by [robo9].)
So who else is using Wonder Trade? It's a good way to get rid of some breeding rejects. I managed to trade in 100 Binacles, and I didn't get all Bidoofs, Bunnelbies, etc.
Anyone else getting a good haul?
From the 100 Binacles, I managed to get:
•1 Perfect IV Modest Squirtle
•3 Charmanders
•1 Froakie
•2 Bulbasaurs
•1 Larvesta
•1 Pidgeot
•1 Conkeldurr
•1 Luxio
•1 Doduo
•1 Trevenant
•1 Klefki
•1 Gastly
•1 Amoonguss
•1 Ursaring
•1 Graveler/Golem
•1 Abomasnow
•1 Tyrunt
•2 Dittos
•1 Azurill
•1 Eevee
•1 Litwick
•1 Surskit
•2 Metapods
•1 Pidgey
•1 Venipede
•4 Jesuses Goomy
•1 Gible
•1 Houndour
•1 Psyduck
•2 Cubones
•2 Flabébe
•1 Snubbull
•1 Tailow
•1 Meditite
•1 Spoink
•1 Druddigon
•1 Ralts
•1 Miltank
•2 Scatterbugs
•1 Qwilfish
•1 Nincada
•1 Dunsparce
•1 Snorlax
•1 Weedle
•1 Scyther
•1 Lombre
•1 Sligoo
•2 Golurks
•2 Hippopotas
•1 Solrock
•3 Furfrous
•2 Mienfoos
•1 Croagunk
•1 Axew
•1 Solosis
•1 Illumise
•1 Volbeat
•1 Vivilon
•1 Slugma
•1 Honedge
•1 Gulpin
•1 Pansage
•2 Pansears
•3 Fletchlings
•4 Zigzagoons
•2 Caterpie
•2 Bunnelbies
•4 Panchams
•2 Bidoofs
•3 Luvdiscs
That should be it, unless I missed something
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I've gotten a few decent things, considering that I haven't even gotten the second badge yet. My favorite thing to do is evolve all of the Scatterbugs and Spewpas and see what Vivillon patterns I get.
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What I like to do (which will be easier once I defeat the Elite Four I'M SO CLOSE NOW) is take the crappy ones, evolve them and give them good moves, then resend them over the trade.
Bidoof though... Nothing I can do for you, bro, you're on your own.
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Dude, don't knock Bidoof.
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I got a Japanese ditto : D
which is funny because all day I was thinking I needed a ditto if I wanted to breed my male pokemon
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10-25-2013, 01:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2013, 01:16 PM by Chaoxys.)
So I had about 20 fossil pokemon I didn't need after having spent an hour looking for Old Amber, so I thought I'd give them out in Wonder Trade. I mostly got Doduos and Esspurs, but I managed to snag a Bulbasaur, Torchic, Spheal, Gourgeist, Emolga, Dratini, Pachirisu, and a Japanese Ralts.
EDIT- Just did two more trades. I got a Japanese Mawile, and a Froakie.