09-05-2014, 06:25 PM
Hi, everyone!
I've added a new secondary spoiler feature specifically for text that should help make posts more readable.
It's called the Blackout Spoiler, and it's used in the same way that the spoiler tag is but doesn't add the hide/reveal box to your posts.
This way, you can spoil just a few words without having your posts end up looking like this.
Spoiler:If you can see this, it's working!
(Highlight the text to read it)
The blackout tag can be used anywhere in a sentence and doesn't have to be on its own line or anything.
Want Spoiler:to blackout Spoiler:every other Spoiler:word? That Spoiler:works!
Spoiler:(Just don't go overboard with it, please.)
To use the blackout feature, all you do is add your text between [ blackout ] tags, like so:
Also, I should note that Spoiler:links will still show up so if you want to post links using this, be sure to change their name so the url does not show up.
This is actually an intended function so that people won't accidentally click on blacked out links in posts, so just be sure that if you're going to post a link that the text doesn't allude to what it may be.
Spoiler:Also, emoticons and images aren't blacked out either. This feature applies only to text.
As an added bonus I also added an additional feature specifically to the GoMobile skin to make this work on phones. Because highlighting doesn't work on touchscreens, I've made it so that blacked out text can be revealed on the mobile skin by clicking on it, which will turn all blacked out text within the clicked set of tags white.
While you will have to click on each set of tags individually, this allows you to pick specifically what you want to reveal without having the entire post be revealed at once.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here. Give it a try!
Also, if you have suggestions for a better name than Blackout Spoiler or a better tag, feel free to post that as well.
I've added a new secondary spoiler feature specifically for text that should help make posts more readable.
It's called the Blackout Spoiler, and it's used in the same way that the spoiler tag is but doesn't add the hide/reveal box to your posts.
This way, you can spoil just a few words without having your posts end up looking like this.
Spoiler:If you can see this, it's working!
(Highlight the text to read it)
The blackout tag can be used anywhere in a sentence and doesn't have to be on its own line or anything.
Want Spoiler:to blackout Spoiler:every other Spoiler:word? That Spoiler:works!
Spoiler:(Just don't go overboard with it, please.)
To use the blackout feature, all you do is add your text between [ blackout ] tags, like so:
Also, I should note that Spoiler:links will still show up so if you want to post links using this, be sure to change their name so the url does not show up.
This is actually an intended function so that people won't accidentally click on blacked out links in posts, so just be sure that if you're going to post a link that the text doesn't allude to what it may be.
Spoiler:Also, emoticons and images aren't blacked out either. This feature applies only to text.

As an added bonus I also added an additional feature specifically to the GoMobile skin to make this work on phones. Because highlighting doesn't work on touchscreens, I've made it so that blacked out text can be revealed on the mobile skin by clicking on it, which will turn all blacked out text within the clicked set of tags white.
While you will have to click on each set of tags individually, this allows you to pick specifically what you want to reveal without having the entire post be revealed at once.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here. Give it a try!
Also, if you have suggestions for a better name than Blackout Spoiler or a better tag, feel free to post that as well.