01-10-2015, 09:44 PM
Okay the link is updated, I added the jump so you can see how it feels, reset the resolution, and for nOw I disabled the Octoroks.
PBG Engine
01-10-2015, 09:44 PM
Okay the link is updated, I added the jump so you can see how it feels, reset the resolution, and for nOw I disabled the Octoroks.
01-11-2015, 10:32 AM
When you said you reset the resolution, I thought it meant you'd reset the option to switch fullscreen for some reason. Seriously, do that; it'll only take you ten seconds.
As for the new jump, it's awful. I'm sorry for being harsh, but that's just the truth. Here's what I did for mine: Create event Code: didJump = 0; //Keeps track of whether or not the player controlled the jump and didn't use a springboard Step event Code: //Press jump This lets players jump at full speed, and allows them to lower their jump height without completely stopping them in mid-air. Hope this helps.
01-11-2015, 02:04 PM
Um, I'm not sure what you ment but the you CAN switch between full screen with F. And I know the jumping is awful that's why I took it out! :p
01-12-2015, 08:55 AM
Oh, F? Why didn't you say that before? Most people try F4 by default. F is so unusual. In fact, why did you disable F4 in the first place? Seems like a waste of time, especially if you're not gonna say you made it F instead.
Sorry, I just thought F might make sense too, since well... F, Fullscreen. I'll switch it back next beta. And I coulda sworn I said it was F before, but I guess I didn't. It was probably in a post I decided to not post. By the way, for anyone interested, and that knows about PBG, there's a secret final boss. And he is the evil...
Also, I am now looking for a composer. Someone who can make quality 16 Bit music. You will have compete creative freedom on certain songs.If your interested, PM me, and if possible, send me a clip of one of your compositions.
Link updated. EDIT: oops, I forgot to switch the screen control.
I normally try Ctrl+enter for full screen and window switching...
I'm updating the previous link as Im posting this. Now with Slimes and a quicker attack.
It'll be a few minutes BTW.
Link updated
https://www.dropbox.com/s/wr0uonc71ykwrk...A.exe?dl=0 Now with a bow n arrow. Slight glitch where if you pull the bow while moving the animation plays on a loop. Will be fixed next update. Oh ! And I forgot to mention, the way coins work are now different. It's basically like Terrarias system.
Update, ive been working on a partner system. Right now I have an SSBC Pikachumas a place holder. So far basic AI has been programmed, just following.
EDIT: Link update. Now partner combat has been added. What are your thoughts?
Question with the follower system, should I allow the player to warp the partner to them with a tap of a button? Or should I have them have to go back to get them? EDIT: So, question, does this game feel like anything? Like does the control feel similar to any other game? And also, how would I warp the player back to the closest safe spot after falling down a pit? Like Super Paper Mario?
01-25-2015, 09:41 PM
Update, now with actual functional dying! Oh, and a placeholder hurt sprite. Don't forget that I'm just updating the same link BTW.
01-26-2015, 02:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-26-2015, 02:37 PM by Kelvin.
Edit Reason: Played the game.
It'd be nice if you'd put links in your last post or keep the updated version in the first post so people don't have to keep scrolling back and forth each time.
[EDIT] OK, seems pretty solid so far. It still feels a little stiff when attacking on the ground. Maybe it's because the melee attack stops you dead, but it takes several frames too long, especially for how short the sword is. I don't think it would hurt to let the blade stretch out during the swing so it has some real reach to it. The partner AI needs some work, but I know how hard that can be. What I think you should do is if the way to the player is blocked vertically, have it run either left or right until it finds an empty space to jump up or hits a wall, then change direction. Having it check ahead for empty spaces is a good way to make it jump when it reaches a ledge, and just have it not jump if the player is lower than it, so that it knows to go down. Since leaving him behind tends to get him killed, it might be a good idea to have him warp to you the way partners do in Kirby games. Just have him teleport when he goes off screen, maybe have him turn into a dummy object that flies towards you, then turns back into the partner object when it reaches you. It might be neat if the fairy served a purpose by going down and carrying the partner to you, which could simply be done by having it fly rapidly towards the dummy object, then when it reaches the dummy, the dummy starts flying towards you as a result of the collision event. I think it's really cool that you're attempting partner AI in a platformer game; pathfinding with gravity involved can be really tough. ShyGuy did a really great AI engine for another game he was working on, so he'd probably be able to help more than me. Thanked by: Joxon
01-26-2015, 03:35 PM
I'll check out the build later. I gotta study for a test right now. Here's the pathfinding algorithm tutorial:
http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm I probably won't be able to go in depth on how I got it to work with gravity until the weekend. Thanked by: Joxon
01-31-2015, 05:16 PM
I feel I should properly give all the ideas I currently have.
Intro: One day, PeanutButterGamer went to his computer to work on a video. Although he does that all the time... BUT!!! Today it was different. When he came to his computer, he didn't see his desktop, but instead a program installing a virus on his computer!! PBG tried everything to stop it. Restarting, using virus protection, but nothing worked. When the virus finished installing, everything shut off. PBGs room was only lit by window sunlight. Then, his PC displayed a bright cyan screen. And then... a vortex had appeared from the computer! Sucking him in! PBG tried to escape, but failed. He was sucked into his computer, and everything turned back on. PBG, after going through the vortex, had started falling. There was nothing accept for him, and cyan. Then, things started to appear. First, clouds and sky, then below, a forest. "AHHHHHHHH!!" PBG screamed. Then, he hit ground and passed out. After a few minutes, he was woken up by a square blue face. "Hello. Welcome to Virtual World. Under normal circumstances, you would have safely teleported to GameTown. However, a virus has infected this world." Said the face. "So, in Virtual World, it is recommended that you equip at least one weapon. Please select a weapon." The guide says as a hologram apears, with images if weapons from games. "Choose a weapon, huh? W-w-wait, your telling me, that I was sucked into a digital world that exists inside my PC?" "Yes." Replies the guide. "... Okay then... I'll select a weapon I guess..." PBG scrolls through the various weapons. "Diamond sword, fire flower, Master Sword, Yoshi eg-- WAIT MASTER SWORD?! Gimme gimme gimme!!" PBG says. The guide asks to confirm his choice, "So would like to select the item from The Legend of Zelda, the Master Sword?" "YES!" PBG replies. "OK, generating item." The Master sword then apears in front of PBG. He grabs in a Zelda like fashion. "Yeah!" Says PBG. "We will now give you your assist." Says the. Guide. "Assist?" Asks PBG. "Yes. Using your personal game data, we have decided that your best guide choice is, Navi, the fairy." "N-Navi?... " Says PBG. "Hey!" Says Navi as the fairy arrives. PBG freezes. Then faints. So that was the Intro. Now, the point of the game is to traverse through 7-8 worlds, and collect 7-8 keys and defeat the virus, to save Virtual World.
I don't have time to explain how I went about the AI pathfinding, but I came across this article http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/...ding-r3924
He uses the same algorithm that I posted before. He also comes up with a better idea about how to handle traversing paths. Specifically, the AI is simplified to walking across platforms. To go from one platform to another, you just playback recorded input for the AI. Go checkout the article. It explains a better way of doing platformer AI pathfinding than I had. |
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