I waddle over to the piece of metal and shiv the bug
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06-01-2015, 10:26 PM
Quote:Zadaben willingly deletes himself from the system. ROOM FOR AN EXTRA PLAYER OPENS UP.Does that mean there could be room for lil ol' me? ;p Thanked by: ~Axis~
06-02-2015, 12:49 AM
Thanked by: Joxon
EDIT: Looking around at everyone, I see the PSYMONKEY and BUG3 and attempt to stomp and kick them both to death, despite Recme trying to train the PSYMONKEY because I'm a jerk
Currently waiting for Koopaul, Kat, Virt, and Shade to roll.
Recme: 5 Perfect (You successfully tame the monkey and it becomes your pet. You can command it now! Analysing the monkey, you find that is capable to CONFUSE an enemy and can LEVITATE with its psychic abilities. Hmm? You see it hold an object. You take it and it appears to be a Glowing Banana. You wonder what it does...)
Quirby64: 4 Success (You begin to blow a bubble with as much swagger you can muster and capture BUG3! You can now command it and it will obey! Analysing it you notice it has a high defense and can cut through cerain environmental objects.) Sportoise: 3 Partial Success (You pick up the piece of metal on the ground and clumsily try to attack BUG3. Its hard exoskeleton along with your lousy movements protects it from most of the damage. It suffers 5HP of damage. Meh...) Joxon: 2 Fail (You try to pummel PSYMONKEY and BUG3 but you miss... Pfeh!) Virt, Koopaul, and Shade seem to do nothing at all. They all restore some health [+10HP]. The large metal gate begins to creak open. You all feel a large suction force pull on you. You see a great light within the gate as it fully opens. Airborn pixels begin to be sucked into the gate as the force of the pull grows stronger. >What will you do?
06-15-2015, 03:31 PM
I use the teleportation remote in my pocket and vanish instantly.
Going to go ahead and give my place to someone else who might want it. Thanked by: ~Axis~
06-15-2015, 04:14 PM
That palm tree sure does look nice. It's giving off some wonderful shade.
I waddle over to the tree and plop down
06-18-2015, 07:36 AM
I say: "SCREW ALL Y'ALL! TO THE GATE! I HOPE I DON'T DIE!!" Then I run into the gate hoping I don't die.
06-22-2015, 06:03 PM
You never said that this was still going on. Shoulda PMd me.
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