The models in the game are stored in .rk files, which are a gameloft proprietary format, which was used in other games besides this one.
- Download noesis
- Place this plugin in the noesis plugins/python folder
- Open noesis, and navigate to a model you want to rip
- Click on File > Export
- In the export dialog, choose a location to save the file to
- For the format, select .dae
- Make sure to check flip UVs
- Once exported, open the resulting .dae file in a text editor
- Find the <library_images> element, and change the absolute texture path to a relative one, by removing everything except the filename, and add the file extension (should be .png)
- Open the .dae file in blender
- Select the armature
- Set the scale for each axis using the following
x = 0.1
y = -0.1
z = 0.1
The z axis need to be negative in order to flip the model vertically and horizontally to match the game.
- You can now export the model in whatever format you like
As for rendering the models, you might want to understand how they work.
The pony models have an outline, which is a copy of the model, just a bit bigger, and different colors (and less detail), however the outline model has it's backface facing outside. This means that if you turn on backface culling, you'll see the pony with all it's detail, as well as it's outline. The only other thing you need to do, is use flat shading, and make sure the exposure is 0, and the gamma is 1.
You can render with either the Workbench or EEVEE renderers. With both renderers, it is also recommended to delete any light sources, because those will give the wrong shading.
Select the object
- Materials
- Surface > Roughness = 1
- Settings > Surface > Backface Culling
[x] Camera
[x] Shadow
[x] Light Probe Volume
- World
- Render
- Color Management > View Transform > Raw
- Optional: Film > Transparent
- Go into the render tab
- Set the renderer engine to Workbench
- Set the lighting to Flat
- Set the color to Texture
- In options, turn on Backface Culling
- In Color Management, set View Transform to Raw
- Make sure exposure is 0, and gamma is 1
- Now make sure to switch the current view to shading mode (the furthest right button in the view switcher)
Unfortunately I have been unable to rip animations, since they're located in .anim files, which I do not know how to read, and many properties for animations are located in other xml and csv files.