(05-09-2009, 12:48 AM)Shadowth117 Wrote: Well I think its a good rip except that it needs to be reuploaded at the correct size. I know the textures aren't that small and most of the text is too small to read. Could you tell me how you managed to rip them though? I personally haven't found a method other than 3d Ripper DX that gets all of the textures for the first level.
This is also the wrong section. This should have been posted in the Sega section.
I just noticed there was a sega section...could a mod please move this?
how did I rip them? thats a secret

at the correct size? what is that?
EDIT: wait...your shadowTH! I am big fan of your rips. I will PM you if you must know.
EDIT2: oh, I see. correct size? blame imageshack for resizing it. I will fix it when I can.