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Kl's PLATINUM tile rips and customs
I am aware that there are a few threads in ripping tiles from DP and PT, but I am posting mine in a seperate thread because some of my tiles are ripped and edited by ME to look 2D. I am also aware that there is a thread already ripping DP in 2D, but I have done these myself without a 2D Cheat code. I put alot of effort into this, all this took me almost MONTHS. ^^

I am also posting some of my old DP rips too which were also ripped and edited the same way.

[Image: City-Buildings.png]

Old DP
[Image: Routesgrass.png]
[Image: basic.png]

I have ripped every tile/building from twinleaf to Floraroma, so Eterna city is next.
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Kl's PLATINUM tile rips and customs - by klnothincomin - 06-05-2009, 10:08 AM

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