balladofwindfishes Wrote:other then the hefty price tag, I really don't see the audience Sony appeals to... XBox has a huge following with the older, hardened, vet gamers and the teenagers who want tol be cool by playing a game with guns, and then Nintendo has the kids, the casuals and the die hard fans it's had for 2 decades. Sony doesn't fall into a market really. The market the PSP is "geared towards" are people who don't pay for games anyway, and the PS3 is trying to be against the XBox, which overall has the lasting market appeal, and now the games that Sony used to have are jumping ship, or in Square's case, are moving back to their older ways of making games. I'm curious as to what console the next true Final Fantasy game will be on, because Metal Gear Solid 4 can only take the company so far... especially with it's "M" rating and general appeal to a limited audience.
People may say bad things about XBox's use of violence or Nintendo's use of casuals, but at least they have their markets, and they know how to get sales using those markets. Their consoles are affordable and offer a quality expirience with plenty of exclusives and high quality games. Sony is somewhat stuck not knowing who to go after. And when you can buy 2 different consoles for a little over the price of a Sony, you can either really really want to play Metal Gear 4 or you can get two different systems that will bring you vastly different appeals. Sony will need more then MGS4, especially when they lost GTA, and possibly Square.
Forgetting Resistance 2?
But ether way it won't matter. Eventually Konami will realize PS3 isn't doing so well and might eventually port there games to 360 or Wii, Or possibly they sell there console to Sega, but who really knows what will happen, I am ususally neutral through bissiness wise traits.
As for the other stuff in your post I agree, considering that Nintendo has been out since 1980 and Sony has been in the video game bissiness for only like 10-15 years, Microsoft just got into the video game bissiness and there knowing more what to do unlike Sony.
EDIT: For those of you confused by what I meant by my first statment, Sony is eventually gonna lose resistance.