07-20-2009, 10:41 PM
Ok, I went ahead and changed up some issues that I could figure out that people were telling me about. Better/more realistic standing pose, better abs, and more. I still plan to go back and tweak and fix problems later again. Also more frames and stuff where needed. C+C is again very welcome. I didn't redo the punch since I'm sure how I want to fix it still, so I decided to put it to the side. I should now be back on schedule and work on more jumps, running, and crouch sprites. I also realize I have a finger count inssue in the animation. Lastly I'd like to say please ignore the speed of the animation in some areas. These were very rough estimates, I don't know how fast Raizou will move for these, since I'm not actually in charge of the balancing and coding of the characters. Also the jump is quite exaggerated as a convenient way to loop the animation.