Here are a couple animations. I have 2 versions of the running, one where his foot is pointed up before stepping and one whilst stepping to see which one looked smoother. Also, I have a WIP crouch walk which needs some crit as well as a revamped grenade throw.
![[Image: donnerrunq.gif]](
Running (Alternative Animation)
![[Image: donnerrunalternative.gif]](
Crouch Walk
![[Image: donnercrouchwalk.gif]](
Shooting the gun called "Assailant"
![[Image: donnerreloadassailant.gif]](
Grenade Throwing Pose
![[Image: donnerrunq.gif]](
Running (Alternative Animation)
![[Image: donnerrunalternative.gif]](
Crouch Walk
![[Image: donnercrouchwalk.gif]](
Shooting the gun called "Assailant"
![[Image: donnerreloadassailant.gif]](
Grenade Throwing Pose
![[Image: donnergrenadethrow.gif]](