08-28-2009, 04:16 PM
(08-28-2009, 03:06 PM)blah475 Wrote: I gave a disscription in the FSP.
Steel: Metal Claw-Jumps up to the closest player and slashes 11 times each slash doing 3, the last slash does 20 and has a big knock back.
Rock: Fissure- Make anyone within range is blasted into the ground with 50 damage done to them
Ice: Sheer Cold-Freezes anyone withen a huge range doing only 20 damage but freezes them for 5 seconds
Gigas: Crush grip- Jumps up to a player and grabs them. The player can escape by pushing buttons rapidly.. Each crush does 10 damage. If you don't do anything Regigigas will thorw the player straight up.
Black Boo made a good point about Regigas so I'll only accept him if his throw is weak enough that you're not going to die from it with less than around 200%, but the others seem okay. They're relatively weak for legendaries when you consider Ho-oh and Entei who rack up damage like no tomorrow.