(11-13-2009, 10:57 PM)Baegal Wrote: No, its a SONIC edit into Evil Sonic
(11-13-2009, 10:58 PM)Drew Wrote: well sarcastic jokes asideI'll be honest,i didn't make the shades.I edited it from this sheet:
(11-13-2009, 10:31 PM)RICKhog Wrote: Also,it's an Evil Sonic edit.us
Doesn't matter if it's evil or not.
it's still a sonic edit.
And I'm going to have to agree with those who said to try and move on to something more custom made.
(11-13-2009, 11:15 PM)oB2Ko Mario Wrote: I'm going to say this topic has nowhere else to go but downI can't.
really, bro
it's a blatant edit. If you want to impress us, you need to do something from scratch
(11-14-2009, 12:50 AM)El Loco Wrote:See my reply for Drew.(11-13-2009, 10:31 PM)RICKhog Wrote:(11-13-2009, 07:50 PM)*Gorsal* Wrote: Still, a Sonic recolor.Then,i would have to change my username,too.
The point is, stop giving Sonic different colors and work on something entirely original. Capiche?
Also,it's an Evil Sonic edit.us
It's evil? The only thing evil is that you'd name him Rick. Just Kidding It looks cool.
(11-14-2009, 06:43 AM)*Gorsal* Wrote:Yeah,but JoshR261 does.(11-13-2009, 10:31 PM)RICKhog Wrote: Then,i would have to change my username,too.
No. Just because your name is RICKhog doesn't mean that your avatar MUST be RICKhog. Are you seeing a Mario avatar in oB2Ko Mario's posts? I guess not.
(11-14-2009, 08:12 AM)Keiyos Wrote: come on mate you can do better than that. At least try to be a little more creative with the character design, I mean really, giving Sonic a pair of shades and painting him green is hardly worth being a new character entirely. Because you have to convince people that this is YOUR character and not just another crappy rip-off (which sorry to say is what he currently looks like) try shaping him a little differently I mean with the spikes alone you have more than enough options to make him look more unique like making them longer, shorter, thinner, thicker, more, less, and just having them completely re-angled, then you can also change his structure a little like making him taller, shorter, bulkier, fatter, I don't think you can make him any thinner, and then you even have the little extras you can add you him like body marks, paint and a bit of bling here and there, and why a hedgehog? I mean sure they're cool as hell but that's Sonics thing you know, cause it's not as if being a hedgehog will make him any cooler if anything it'll just make you look like another wannabe, there are more than enough cool animals out there to choose from, at least look into it.Hey,i removed the unnecessary shine,too!
well I could go on but I think that'll do for meow. so yeah just please think about it ok?