11-22-2009, 06:08 PM
(11-22-2009, 12:50 AM)The Crow Wrote: If Skapon's gettin overlooked in this game im going to blow a gasket.
B ^ Konaniran- Skapon snaps his head back, and shoots it at an angle as a tether recovery. His head goes forward when used on the ground.
B > Skapon Roll- Skapon does his signature roll forward, and is knocked backwards if he hits. He goes airborne if the up is pressed during the move.
B Down- Tondeker- Skapon shoots a shocked looking face as a projectile. Slow, but good knockback
Im sorry for the lack of grammar. The reason his down move is a projectile is pressing down B or A I forgot would use that move. And since B> can be a recovery move :/ Well thats not a good excuse (Zero Suit Samus) but still