12-13-2009, 08:18 PM
Jumping back to Ganondorf a second:
I personally wouldn't mind Down Special drawing the sword, seeing as a lot of characters have move changes that are involved with their Down B attacks. I personally think it shouldn't effect his other Specials though by drawing it, just his standard attacks. But that's just me.
If we were to give his moveset a complete overhaul to make it as Falcon-less as possible, I have some other suggestions for his specials that took me a while to come up with:
Up Special: Video Link. Go to 4
0, he does it twice. I thought about this OoT attack that he uses, where he charges up energy over his head. I was thinking that maybe his move can be like it was in Brawl, but instead of it being a grab move, maybe at the top of the floating upward he could charge energy over his head kinda like that and do damage with it. He doesn't have to shoot it, it'd be more like he was shooting energy over his head.
Side Special: Maybe this could be the projectile move that Koopaul suggested, or maybe that move could be his Neutral special, and this one could have him shoot a bat made out of fire (one that doesn't travel as far as a regular projectile). The fire bat idea is from his battle in A Link to the Past, but he was pig Ganon there. Another side special suggestion would be him still rushing forward, but instead of with his hand, with his pig Ganon Trident. Again, there's the issue of the fact that only pig Ganon used that.
I personally wouldn't mind Down Special drawing the sword, seeing as a lot of characters have move changes that are involved with their Down B attacks. I personally think it shouldn't effect his other Specials though by drawing it, just his standard attacks. But that's just me.
If we were to give his moveset a complete overhaul to make it as Falcon-less as possible, I have some other suggestions for his specials that took me a while to come up with:
Up Special: Video Link. Go to 4

Side Special: Maybe this could be the projectile move that Koopaul suggested, or maybe that move could be his Neutral special, and this one could have him shoot a bat made out of fire (one that doesn't travel as far as a regular projectile). The fire bat idea is from his battle in A Link to the Past, but he was pig Ganon there. Another side special suggestion would be him still rushing forward, but instead of with his hand, with his pig Ganon Trident. Again, there's the issue of the fact that only pig Ganon used that.