01-13-2010, 05:38 AM
Well, in my personal opinion, the 3D sonic games were okay, but not as good as the 2D ones, and what the heck was Sega thinking!? The music in sonic adventure II: Battle suuuucccckkkkeeeddd! NEVER get rappers/rock/punk rock/or vocalized music...IN EVERY LEVEL! I mean...The "Redemption" song at the VERY end level in Final Fantasy 7: Dirge of The Cerberus was awesome, but that is because it took a TON of effort to make, and it wasn't over used. PS: If they DO just remake the first game, shouldn't they redo 1, 2, 3, and 4? With a little more content and secrets here and there...like maybe...well, costumes wouldn't work so well, new shoes with added effects? (Perma-Flame resist) (Perma-Water resist) (Perma-Ring grab (Not electric barrier) (Perma-Electric Barrier) They could even add special rings into the mix, like a perminate ring that adds 10 or so rings on the start of the level? There's tons of things they could add as bonus content, but there are a lot more possibilities for a new game, but please, for the love of Pooka...ONLY use instrumental music!