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A little request for some simple help.
Hello folks. I wasn't sure where to put this so I placed it in the requests section. I was wondering if someone could help me with a small project of mine involving Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on the GBA. I wish to rip from it but unfortunately I haven't the skills for actually playing the game. The game is rippable through tiles as far as I can see by simply opening it in Tile Molester. However, I lack the palettes needed to properly complete the ripping process. I was wondering if someone would be interested in playing through the game and dumping palettes at certain points. I will be able to supply cheats for the game if needed, and my terms for palettes are sort of thin. Basically all that will need to be done is a proper palette dumping of the sprite palettes when encountering a new enemy.

Through tile-ripping I hope to fix up some of the sheets here on TSR so they can be used without need for editing. However I am very new at ripping effects, so someone may need to help me with that as well.

Thorough credit will be given to whomever helps me with this, and perhaps we can work together again if the quality is good enough.

Anothe rpossibility is getting savestates, whichever the player prefers.
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Messages In This Thread
A little request for some simple help. - by Carpaccio - 01-26-2010, 01:35 PM

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