(02-05-2010, 09:08 PM)Whack-Dat-Yoshi Wrote: But to save time: Credit for the sprites go to Boo Mansion, Starpower, Ridge Troopa, CeeY, AJ Nitro, Frario, etc and some sprites are my customs.
(02-05-2010, 09:08 PM)Whack-Dat-Yoshi Wrote: etc
No. Either credit everyone that made/edited the 500+ characters you lackadaisically threw together, or don't even bother. It'd be helpful if you actually pointed out some examples of ones you made, as well.
(01-29-2010, 05:42 PM)Whack-Dat-Yoshi Wrote: The mininum requirement is at least one overworld facing front sprites. From there you can choose wether to sheet it or to just leave it as is.
So you're going to give people the option to make a single edited sprite, then put it alongside the very good customs that Chaoxys, A.J., Ridge, and such made?