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i wish i could kick people from spamhaul
(02-11-2010, 12:21 AM)bryan GT broyan Wrote: [12:16:45 AM] Tyvon "Alpha Six": it's not like it's a personal thing or anything, skypekrew is just us talkin to each other about stuff that we all actually know about, we have our own inside jokes, we all have our own "things" we're a group of close friends and we don't add random people unless someone in the krew asks, and even then, if they don't get along with everyone they won't be let into skypekrew
[12:17:03 AM] Tyvon "Alpha Six": we're a group of similar people that enjoy similar things basically
[12:17:04 AM] Kyle: yeah girl
[12:17:13 AM] Tyvon "Alpha Six": with similar senses of humor etc
[12:17:17 AM] DavidCaruso: don't we all enjoy anime though
[12:17:24 AM] Kori Fleming: anime is my life
[12:17:31 AM] Kat: Which is why I don't talk about anime to anyone here
[12:17:34 AM] i'm bryan again okay: we all enjoy puns and ironic poop jokes i thought????

Your Skypecrew is lame, mines better because we don't let anyone in even if someone asks if they can join.
Instead we find ways to destroy people outside the group and watch them suffer. Its quiet fun.
But then again it isn't always on skype and we have group chats on different stuff.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: i wish i could kick people from spamhaul - by Flame - 02-11-2010, 02:48 AM

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