02-22-2010, 10:43 PM
Official tSR Community Discussion: Competitions
This thread is what the title says; A community discussion. I hope to be able to hold a community discussion every now and then, just to get your input on the forum.
Seeing as how recently, things have seemed a tad stale around these parts, the staff have been wondering: Would you like to see tSR bring back Community Competitions?
We've had competitions in the past. We haven't always held the community's interest, however, and even when we did, something always went wrong, haha. However, with things being how they are, do you think something like competitions could spice things up?
There are several competitions we could possibly hold, depending on the community's interest and general will to participate.
Some things we've been considering:
Quote:Spriting Competitions- These have been done in the past.
Drawing Competitions- I'm not too sure if these have been done, but seeing as how a good amount of the members here enjoy drawing, it might just work!
Gaming Competitions- Basically gaming tournaments; People with X-box Live, PSN, or Wii could sign up to compete against each other in community-wide tournaments, and the winner would get some sort of prize. I won't be dealing with that, as I don't play many video games, so I'm expecting Tyvon to be able to handle that, haha.
We're also considering bringing back badges. These badges would be given to the Top 3 winners of the competition. The last time around, we had 'participation' badges, and that made things hard to handle, so basically getting rid of those might make things easier on the staff.
So, tSR. What kind of competitions would you like to see? Would you agree with what we have? Would you participate? Would you like to have badges brought back? Please, leave your opinions here; the staff would love to have your input!