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Luigi's Adventure: Divide and Conquer
Everybody seems to call me on this. I thought I mentioned this point.

Luigi's Mansion and Mario is Missing, while both adventures with noble acts by Luigi, aren't the same kind of adventure that Mario has. Mario saves the princess and the world time after time after time after time. Luigi has saved his brother. Twice. Not saying that's not heroic, but there needs to be an upgrade in the scale of Luigi's adventures. At least to bring him up to the level of Mario's adventures.

That's all I'm saying. Wink
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Luigi's Adventure: Divide and Conquer - by RECKENEFIN - 03-17-2010, 11:12 AM
RE: Luigi's AdventuDivide and Conquer - by Marth - 03-17-2010, 03:28 PM
RE: Luigi's AdventuDivide and Conquer - by Maneko - 03-19-2010, 01:01 PM

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