03-20-2010, 09:26 AM
I'm so sorry guys about the lack of updates in the last few days, had to sort out my computer majorly :s
Anyways, I'm back and to make up for it here are ten new rips. Expect a similar update later along with one from PT.
[1894-1896] Larvitar, Pupitar & Tyranitar [ICON]
[1900-1902] Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile [ICON]
[1903-1905] Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken [ICON]
[1906-1908] Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert [ICON]
[1909-1910] Poochyena & Mightyena [ICON]
[1911-1914] Lotad, Lombre & Ludicolo [ICON]
[1915-1916] Wingull & Pelipper [ICON]
[1917-1919] Ralts, Kirlia & Gardevoir [ICON]
[1920-1921] Makuhita & Hariyama [ICON]
[1922] Sabelye [ICON]
Anyways, I'm back and to make up for it here are ten new rips. Expect a similar update later along with one from PT.
[1894-1896] Larvitar, Pupitar & Tyranitar [ICON]
[1900-1902] Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile [ICON]
[1903-1905] Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken [ICON]
[1906-1908] Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert [ICON]
[1909-1910] Poochyena & Mightyena [ICON]
[1911-1914] Lotad, Lombre & Ludicolo [ICON]
[1915-1916] Wingull & Pelipper [ICON]
[1917-1919] Ralts, Kirlia & Gardevoir [ICON]
[1920-1921] Makuhita & Hariyama [ICON]
[1922] Sabelye [ICON]