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my girlfriend just noticed something in pokemon and i felt compelled to tell you all
guys hold on i think i'm on to something

M&Ms melt in your mouth and not in your hand, but are also made by Mars Bars Candy Company
Mars is the Roman god of war, while Ares is the Greek god of war

now if you take mars, spell it backwards, and drop the s, you get ram, which is the zodialogical sign for ares

now, ares had a half sister named athena, from whom the city of athens claimed its name. athens is, of course, the capital of greece. and as we all know, zodialogical mythology was created by the greeks in 785 B.C.

785 is also the area code for topeka, kansas. now if you take that, and spell it backwards, and drop the sa, you get snake. and who was the greek demigod who believed snake's tongues had healing properties? Asclepius, of course. the fun doesn't stop here.

which legend is told in both greek and roman mythology involving snakes? naturally, it's the story where apollo slays the serpent at delphi. a serpent is a big ass snake, not unlike our own South American Anaconda. South American Anaconda; Anaconda Malt Liquor. get the picture yet? anaconda malt liquor's slogan is "anaconda malt liquor gives you 'oooooo'". and who else is famous for "ooooooo"? little richard. now what's another name for little richard? little dick. anaconda malt liquor gives you a little dick.
skype: bryangtbroyan
Thanked by: Adam

Messages In This Thread
RE: my girlfriend just noticed something in pokemon and i felt compelled to tell you all - by a babyass man - 03-28-2010, 11:05 PM

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