Anyone have a Kangaskhan, Dunsparce, or Torchic? Ton traded me Phanpy/Donphan
I don't have much to trade except for:
a few Pichu (Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, & Hidden Power were passed on to them)
a bunch of Cyndaquil (Has the Egg move Extrasensory)
an Extra Totodile
and some Charmander
...With the exception of the Totodile, They should all have 31 IVs in Sp. Attack & Speed
Edit: Since I have three Friend Codes up, this is for Soul Silver
I don't have much to trade except for:
a few Pichu (Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, & Hidden Power were passed on to them)
a bunch of Cyndaquil (Has the Egg move Extrasensory)
an Extra Totodile
and some Charmander
...With the exception of the Totodile, They should all have 31 IVs in Sp. Attack & Speed
Edit: Since I have three Friend Codes up, this is for Soul Silver