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An offer for fans of The Behemoth!
Hello folks! I, under work of my own and others, through methods I can't go into legally, have unlocked the secret to The Behemoth's file works. Unless they change this, and I'm hoping they won't, I will be able to unpack all image files from their games. Mind you most of the games are XBOX 360 DL games.

So what is my offer? Quite simple of course. I can supply any image from any of the following games:

~Castle Crashers
~Alien Hominid HD

...Yes there's only two at this point, but I will be keeping up with the game files as they come out.

Please note I will only distibute these in a PM, but if you have a specific request, please post it here, as well as any comments when the images are received.

Also please note that I won't be able to distribute them until the weekend of April 17th. I will be giving them out only on weekends for some time, as I'd rather let a good bit accumulate so I can do them all at once.

So, post your requests here and I'll do the best I can!
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Messages In This Thread
An offer for fans of The Behemoth! - by Carpaccio - 04-07-2010, 07:28 PM

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