05-06-2010, 04:14 AM
(05-02-2010, 10:03 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote:
but my hat is completely legit i swear
WANT Metaru I want that Char's Zaku hat. I mean like holy shit that is so amazingly awesome.
To be honest I wish I could play this game on my 8 year old piece of shit my mom calls a computer.
Also Ashley, I do think the hats are interesting and I wonder if everything can be customize because it that is so then I will make some awesome stuff for this but I am gonna side with Zeemort here and say who cares what other people that you don't even know who play the same game as you think? I mean, come on, it isn't highschool where everyone wants to be accepted, it is a video game where you shoot someone in a body part and they respawn after a few seconds. Who cares how long someone has played the game or if they play it currently or not. This thread is for everyone.