05-07-2010, 04:58 PM
Thanks for more kind words, Tonberry
I would totally rip 30 but I'm already running out of games as it is, so I guess I'll have to drive you to suicide some other time, eh?
Great update on everybody's part. I especially loved Ultimecia's rips of Mortal Kombat 4, Tom Guycott's Totally Rad rips, and Maxim's rip from Knuckle Bash that is the reason why I now sleep with my lights on. Seriously though, great job guys.

Great update on everybody's part. I especially loved Ultimecia's rips of Mortal Kombat 4, Tom Guycott's Totally Rad rips, and Maxim's rip from Knuckle Bash that is the reason why I now sleep with my lights on. Seriously though, great job guys.