That could be true, but it also is affected how the individual images are made and put together.
I will consider your advice, but don't expect it to be changed because I don't completely agree with it. Let's take another image for example:
This is Kirby's current Vulcan Jab (absent the air blasts); it contains 25 subimages, which involves throwing punches at high speed in five directions. This appears to be going at 10 fps because of Lunapic slowing method, but in the game it runs 6x faster (it runs at game speed, 60 fps). Viewing the animation at 10 fps is truely watching it in slow motion and the viewer couldn't possibly feel how powerful the punches are thrown as this low speed. (It loops through itself 2.4x per second, which is 12 punches per second... instead of two punches per second shown here)
Using the same aforementioned method to accelerate the image to make it appear faster (by removing certain appropriate frames), I've come up with this.
It includes 4/25 of the original frames to make it run approximately at the same speed as it normally runs in game (I've removed 5/6ths of the frames), except at 10 fps. Chopping out excessive frames loses a lot of detail, when the difference in speed is this great. Even the regular punch or any animation I've made up to this point runs at 40 fps minimum. (Even the shortened punch edit would have to be accelerated at least twice as fast as it is now.)
On a different note, I've sprited Dr. Robotnik and thus completed the first image of each of my three planned characters. Cartoony and simplicity is the theme.
When I began SSBI production, I told myself to start small and go up from there. I wouldn't have a preset roster of 20+ characters initially, instead I was going for 3 when I was to release my first gameplay demo (the current demos aren't a gameplay demo, but more a physics beta). The characters I originally planned were Kirby (Light), Mario or Yoshi (?)(Medium), and Dr. Robotnik (heavy). I was following a simple rule to use a single character from a different game, and hopefully different afflilations as well (Hero, Villain, etc), I can keep you updated on all the works I will be producing in the future.
I will consider your advice, but don't expect it to be changed because I don't completely agree with it. Let's take another image for example:
This is Kirby's current Vulcan Jab (absent the air blasts); it contains 25 subimages, which involves throwing punches at high speed in five directions. This appears to be going at 10 fps because of Lunapic slowing method, but in the game it runs 6x faster (it runs at game speed, 60 fps). Viewing the animation at 10 fps is truely watching it in slow motion and the viewer couldn't possibly feel how powerful the punches are thrown as this low speed. (It loops through itself 2.4x per second, which is 12 punches per second... instead of two punches per second shown here)
Using the same aforementioned method to accelerate the image to make it appear faster (by removing certain appropriate frames), I've come up with this.
It includes 4/25 of the original frames to make it run approximately at the same speed as it normally runs in game (I've removed 5/6ths of the frames), except at 10 fps. Chopping out excessive frames loses a lot of detail, when the difference in speed is this great. Even the regular punch or any animation I've made up to this point runs at 40 fps minimum. (Even the shortened punch edit would have to be accelerated at least twice as fast as it is now.)
On a different note, I've sprited Dr. Robotnik and thus completed the first image of each of my three planned characters. Cartoony and simplicity is the theme.
When I began SSBI production, I told myself to start small and go up from there. I wouldn't have a preset roster of 20+ characters initially, instead I was going for 3 when I was to release my first gameplay demo (the current demos aren't a gameplay demo, but more a physics beta). The characters I originally planned were Kirby (Light), Mario or Yoshi (?)(Medium), and Dr. Robotnik (heavy). I was following a simple rule to use a single character from a different game, and hopefully different afflilations as well (Hero, Villain, etc), I can keep you updated on all the works I will be producing in the future.