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Custom Goomba Thread (old one deleted by mistake)
i know but(and removing the useless comments)

its either him having a real problem of understanding issues, we taking it too seriusly, or what. mean can it posibly extend such a trivial issue like a goomba into 7 pages of going nowhere just to end with the exact same sprite with two or three pixels less?

i can understand some wanted to help, and that grabrielwoj literally derrailed this for no real pupose extending it even more but, after trying so hard with pikmin awesome so many times and not getting any result at all, what one should do? just quit? suggest to leave? troll? i have the patience and i can deal with it(mean it not like i give a fuck about him staying or not) but we're literally people in their 20~ trying to teach an 10 year old boy thru a spriting forum on the internet how he should behave and draw stuff. and as crude as it might sound, but we have threads with users posting some serious content and proper development of their skills and they have yet to get as many replies or feedback as these shitty threads.

he'll be back tomorrow from school, sit in front of his mom's computer, log in and at the end of the day we'll have another 7 pages of circlejerking disguised as teaching.

all in all, he shouldn't even be on the internet or at least at TSR.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Custom Goomba Thread (old one deleted by mistake) - by Cobalt Blue - 05-27-2010, 09:38 PM

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