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Poll: Do you think graphics are as important as gameplay?
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Yes, I do!!
15 55.56%
No, only gameplay matters!!!
12 44.44%
Total 27 vote(s) 100%
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I think graphics are very important
I do have to admit that while I think graphics are important, I dunno about AS important as the gameplay, I think my view is more 40/60 or maybe even 45/55

i think a big misconception a lot of 'hardcore' gamers make is when they hear "good graphics" they assume that means "expensive graphics that take a long time and a lot of people and money to make, so the budget won't be spent as much on gameplay-related things," and they get all defensive; this just shows that they don't know anything about art (some gamers are uncultured manchildren?? shocking i know) at all or what makes a game visually appealing (it also is their chance to try to appear like a unique snowflake when they stand up and say "I JUST THINK GAMEPLAY MATTERS")
hint: visual appeal is not how many polygons are in something, or wait uh-oh what about all that art that existed before computers those don't have any!!
it really surprises me that i saw someone think that here on the fucking spriter's resource, you know the place that has pixel art from video games, some of which looks good!! and sometimes isn't complex too!! or at least would be less complex to make than the graphics from your average high-budget Xbox 360/PS3 title

now this explains why it isn't hard to make good graphics (sort of, i'm not about to get into a full-on explanation of what fucking aesthetics is) but not really WHY visually appealing graphics are more necessary than you might think, i will probably post again later w/ that!! unless giz posts in here about that b/c I know he has before (in other places) and might be able to explain it better than me
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Messages In This Thread
I think graphics are very important - by Shawn - 06-20-2010, 09:34 AM
RE: I think graphics are very important - by DadNier - 06-20-2010, 10:21 AM
RE: I think graphics are very important - by Gwen - 06-20-2010, 04:00 PM
RE: I think graphics are very important - by Gors - 06-20-2010, 04:10 PM
RE: I think graphics are very important - by Gaia - 06-21-2010, 09:55 PM
RE: I think graphics are very important - by Boo - 06-22-2010, 01:26 PM

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