06-21-2010, 03:15 PM
(06-21-2010, 02:25 PM)Aurapigonstilts Wrote: Team 1
Normallaking (high attack, but look out for his ability)
Grass: Pretty much any starter
Fire: Starters or Legends like Entei or Ho-oh
Water: Starter or Huntail
Electric: Luxray/Magnezone
Psychic: Alakazam is very strong
Flying: Dragonite is my recomendation
Ground: Nidoking/
Steel: Metagross / Steelix
Fighting: Lucario/ Infernape/ Blaziken
Dark: Tyranitar/ Weavile
Ghost: Gengar is very good, and so is Spiritomb, but remember that its stats are low despite it having no weaknesses
Bughuckle (dont laugh, its got the highest Defense and Sp. Defense in the whole game!)/ Vespiquen
Dragon: Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence/ legends
Love how you neglected poison completely.
Also Half of those pokemon are just ugh.
Toxicroak is a great Pokemon to have on your team, he can do serious damage, and teaching him the move posion jab and bulk up is pretty much the best thing you can do ever.
Another good pokemon to have Jolteon, good speed and special attack, also can learn rain dance, which if you like the move Tunder, you can't miss that move during Rain.
One of my personal favorite Electric types is Ampharos, can learn a lot of different moves, though he won't get STAB for them. He's a slow electric type though.