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IN THIS THREAD (you post your favorite games)
(08-02-2010, 11:48 AM)Rökkan Wrote: sounds really great

what is its name? does it have an english version?
Rakugaki Showtime and no there's not.

More Awesome Display. Also Some of my Fav's:

Brave Fencer Musashi
Silhouette Mirage
Final Fantasy Tactics the War of the Lions
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Zone of the Enders: the 2nd Runner
Dew Prisim/Threads of Fate
Ecco the Dolphin
Mother 3
Megaman Legends 2
The Mis-Adventures of Tron Bonne
Devil May Cry 3
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You may also know me as Giraffe
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RE: IN THIS THREAD (you post your favorite games) - by Omegajak - 08-02-2010, 01:33 PM

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