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Monster Hunter Tri: worth the money?
I have it, it's a pretty good game, looks great, but I agree that it's more of a game that you should play with the Classic Controller (Or Classic Controller Pro, if you get that bundle)...This might sound a little biased, but this is my experience with the game

This was my first installment in the Monster Hunter Franchise, and I knew nothing going into it...I remember being angry that there's no Lock-on feature, and there's no Level-Up System, but I got used to it, and now I don't really see a need for a Lock-on System (Although I still completely miss the target once & a while), and it totally works without a Level-up system. Mainly because YOU get better at it...YOU learn how the monsters move, and what's the best way to avoid attacks, while still dealing Damage

By all means, The game's no cake-walk; I remember not being able to take down the Royal Ludroth for the longest time when I got to it back in April, and now it's literally one of the easiest monster in the game to me (Barring the Great Jaggi). I still have trouble with the Barroth (One of the early monsters) but I was able to cut my time from 48 Minutes down to 30-39 Minutes (In Single Player, at least). You can Capture Monsters, to me, it's one of the hardest aspects of the game (Because I'm awful at it), but you basically have to set a Trap when it's weak enough (Most Monster Limp To another Area, and/or Start Drooling) and throw Tranq Bombs at it while it's trapped

And to get better Equipment, you need to kill & Collect more Resources from the Monsters, which ultimately means you're going to end up farming Monsters for those items to forge that Particular piece of Armor or Weapon, and this ends up being very time consuming...As is the online, which for most people is probably the big selling point. Most of the time, it works flawlessly, but you still get kicked off of the servers fairly often (Even I do, and I have a LAN Adapter)...If this is your first Monster Hunter game, I'd suggest doing the Single Player Mode first (Mostly to get the hang of it, since the monsters are easier, and so you can at least get some decent Armor and Weapons by the time you go online)

I personally recommend it, it's a fine Single-Player game (Not too much story, and not as many monsters as the online), and an excellent online game, although, if you want to say much online, I would suggest getting a USB Keyboard...I still pick it up & Play it every so often
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
Thanked by: Teddy The Elite

Messages In This Thread
Monster Hunter Tri: worth the money? - by 2+D - 08-02-2010, 06:10 PM
RE: Monster Hunter Tri: worth the money? - by JoshR691 - 08-02-2010, 11:59 PM
RE: Monster Hunter Tri: worth the money? - by 2+D - 08-06-2010, 11:39 PM

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