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Divine Insect's rips (Sonic CD!) Quartz Quadrant Bad Future!
Today I bring you Tidal Tempest [Present].
[Image: templetempestpresent_icon.png]

On a second note, quite some time ago these sheets have been updated to also contain the 16x16 blocks and 8x8 tiles that make up the larger 256x256 chunks that make up the top portions of my sheets. However, these updated sheets have not taken the places of my older sheets on the main site. If possible, please update the following sheets so they maintain consistency with my newer sheets:
[Image: palmtreepast_icon.png] [Image: palmtreepresent_icon.png] [Image: palmtreegfuture_icon.png] [Image: palmtreebfuture_icon.png]
[Image: collisionchaospast_icon.png] [Image: metallicmadnesspast_icon.png] [Image: metallicmadnesspresent_icon.png] [Image: metallicmadnessgf_icon.png]

Also, it seems the Metallic Maddness Bad Future sheet still has not been added to the main site. It has been posted here for awhile and seems to have been ignored:
[Image: metallicmadnessbadfuture_icon.png]
Updates on my ripping projects can be found on my Twitter.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Divine Insect's rips (Sonic CD!) - by Ton - 09-24-2009, 11:33 PM
RE: Divine Insect's rips (Sonic CD!) - by Dazz - 10-15-2009, 02:43 PM
RE: Divine Insect's rips (Sonic CD!) - by Ton - 10-15-2009, 02:57 PM
RE: Divine Insect's rips (Sonic CD!) - by Ton - 01-14-2010, 03:17 AM
RE: Divine Insect's rips (Sonic CD!) Tidal Tempest Present! - by Divine Insect - 08-30-2010, 12:28 AM

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