Thank you so much
Well this is already the hardest sprite I ripped, I was born 5 hours to get a decent animation, say you're 99% real repect the official game, but I've had all sorts of conflicts in order to extract the background, despite all has been very good, but from now Komatana = hell
Here, appearances are deceiving and never better said
Kirikizam try to get to soon, hopefully not even the shadow of Komatana
Well and here its evolution, Kirikizam ;P
Now Meraruba, i love it
And Urugamosu, tomorrow more ;P
Well this is already the hardest sprite I ripped, I was born 5 hours to get a decent animation, say you're 99% real repect the official game, but I've had all sorts of conflicts in order to extract the background, despite all has been very good, but from now Komatana = hell
Here, appearances are deceiving and never better said
Kirikizam try to get to soon, hopefully not even the shadow of Komatana
Well and here its evolution, Kirikizam ;P
Now Meraruba, i love it
And Urugamosu, tomorrow more ;P