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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
(11-23-2010, 12:51 PM)Jefelin Wrote:
(11-23-2010, 12:38 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote:
(11-23-2010, 12:32 PM)Jefelin Wrote:
(11-23-2010, 12:01 PM)Misdreavous525 Wrote: Alrighty here are the Ranku and Gochi line backs:

[Image: ShinyDaburananimatedback.gif] [Image: ShinyRankurusuanimatedback.gif] [Image: ShinyYunirananimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyGochimiruanimatedback.gif] [Image: ShinyGochimuanimatedback.gif]

Okay now I'll move on, I'm glad I finally have ur approval Jefelin and thanx for the help Big Grin

Okay now it isn't letting me see the color map after I fixed it, wtf?

I also figured out the error w/ Yanakkie and Baokkie gifs we have. Someone combined the frames instead of replacing them, because of this it won't even let you recolor the pallet. I'm fixing it now and I'll have them up ASAP along w/ Hiyakkie

I'm glad you're getting success in your work, just good advice, You have a little more orderly, and publishes the fronts and backs together Wink

Well here is Bibarel male, later female
[Image: bibarel.gif][Image: bibarelback.gif]
[Image: bibarelsheet.png]

will do from now on and I'll fix Yanakkie, Baokkie, Hiyakkie and post both front and back shiny

Not necessary and I have optimized, I've got my future pack optimized and reviewed by me Tongue

[Image: 512q.gif][Image: 514g.gif]
[Image: 516.gif][Image: 512b.gif]
[Image: 514b.gif][Image: 516b.gif]

I hope to serve you ;P

And Bibarel female
[Image: 400f.gif][Image: 400fb.gif]
[Image: bibarelfemsheet.png]

Thanx Jefelin, you just saved me a lot of work Tongue
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project - by Misdreavous525 - 11-23-2010, 01:14 PM

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