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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
here are burmy and wormadam
Grass Coat Burmy
[Image: 412a.gif]
[Image: grassburmyback.gif]
[Image: grassburmysheet.png]
Sandy Coat Burmy
[Image: 412b.gif]
[Image: sandburmyback.gif]
[Image: sandburmysheet.png]
Trash Coat Burmy
[Image: 412c.gif]
[Image: trashburmyback.gif]
[Image: trashburmysheet.png]
Grass Coat Wormadam
[Image: 413a.gif]
[Image: grasswormadamback.gif]
[Image: grasswormadamsheet.png]
Sandy Coat Wormadam
[Image: 413b.gif]
[Image: groundwormadamback.gif]
[Image: groundwormadamsheet.png]
Trash Coat Wormadam
[Image: 413c.gif]
[Image: trashwormadamback.gif]
[Image: trashwormadamsheet.png]
here is mothim Big Grin
[Image: 4140.gif]
[Image: mothimback.gif]
[Image: mothimsheet.png]
Thanked by: Misdreavous525

Messages In This Thread
RE: Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project - by Clowcardruler - 11-27-2010, 10:40 PM

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