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Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project
(12-29-2010, 10:00 PM)Clowcardruler Wrote: @jefelin
since you are editing the animations to remove stray pixels (ex wingull)
i just wanted to tell you if you didnt know that milotic has them to

Yes so does Tangela, just an FYI. Anyway's here's my next two.

[Image: Dragoniteanimated-1.gif] [Image: Dragoniteanimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyDragoniteanimated.gif] [Image: ShinyDragoniteanimatedback.gif]

[Image: dragonitespritesheet.png]

[Image: Kangaskhananimated.gif] [Image: Kangaskhananimatedback.gif]

[Image: ShinyKangaskhananimated.gif] [Image: ShinyKangaskhananimatedback.gif]

[Image: kangaskhanspritesheet.png]

My next six will be; Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Ditto and Koffing
Check out Our Current Black and White Sprites Finished

[Image: dokkoraanimated.gif] Can [Image: flareonanimated.gif] You [Image: hitmontopanimated.gif] Catch [Image: seviperanimated.gif] Them [Image: porygon2animated.gif] All [Image: darkraianimated.gif] and [Image: kuitarananimated.gif]
Become [Image: charmeleonanimated.gif] a [Image: mawileanimated.gif] [Image: vespiquenanimated.gif] Master [Image: kerudioanimated.gif] ? [Image: desukananimated.gif]
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Major Pokemon Black and White Animation Ripping Project - by Misdreavous525 - 12-29-2010, 10:33 PM

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