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tSRc 2011
Well everyone, it's 2011, and, as of now, one of my resolutions are to get more involved with the community and get us to start doing things as a community; things that will be fun and will get us all to actually use our talents or help out, all while having a good time.

Some of the things I've thought about:

-tSR Competitions

We all know that the members of tSR a bit lazy when it comes to competitions. As such, I've thought about perhaps running a different competition each month, perhaps one month having a spriting comp, the next having a drawing comp, the next having something different, etc. etc. We'd repeat the cycle, of course, but we'd keep things fresh whilst doing it. Video game competitions would be interesting, as well!

-Community Collaborations

We definitely need to do some collabs as a community. This community has some of the most talented artists that I've ever seen, and, as such, it'd definitely be of my interest to get us all put those talents to a good use.

-tSR Game Nights

Suggested by Gabe, tSR Game Nights would be scheduled events for weekends in which we all got together to do something, such as iSketch, video games, computer games, and such. Things that would give people something to do on a boring night, stuff like that!

(Our tSR Skypechat is growing every day, too, and it'd be beneficial to get a Skype username to help partake in some of these future events, too, by the way.)

-tSR TUGS (part 2)

The last TUGS wasn't handled that well, despite having some amazing entries in round 1, so to make up for this, we'll be holding another competition sometime this summer, hopefully. This time, we'll make things more /official/ and have sponsors and real judges and all the like. We've been trying to mend our relations with Pixeljoint, too, so that might come in handy as well.

-More community events

Secret Santa and the Halloween event this year were huge hits, and I'd definitely like to do more things like that. Perhaps not gift-giving events, but, y'know.


So yeah! 2011 is a fresh new year, and thanks to this, I want to make it one of the best years for myself, others, and especially tSR! Dazz will be coming back sometime in 2011 to stay, and things will most likely change then, but while we wait, there's definitely some things we can do to make this community a bit more entertaining!

If you have any suggestions/comments or anything of the like, post them here! I'd like to know what you guys think would be good for the community here in 2011! Happy New Year!

Messages In This Thread
tSRc 2011 - by Adam - 01-01-2011, 08:07 PM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by StarSock64 - 01-01-2011, 08:18 PM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by Vipershark - 01-01-2011, 08:26 PM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by Saltonara - 01-02-2011, 02:01 AM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by LeleleleMAXIMUM - 01-02-2011, 05:03 AM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by Previous - 01-02-2011, 06:19 AM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by DioShiba - 01-02-2011, 01:43 PM
RE: tSRc 2011 - by Dazz - 01-02-2011, 04:23 PM

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