(03-07-2011, 06:23 PM)Sploder Wrote: Remember that Sakamoto said that Metroid is considered niche (in Japanland, anyways).
Really, the idea is that F-Zero is niche compared to Nintendo's heavy hitters.
Anyways, I think the last F-Zero released was on the Game Boy Advance, actually.
Seriously? Wow. And I can't believe Metroid totally slipped my mind. Y'know, wouldn't an Ice Climbers sequel be neat? Or is that just me? I'm surprised that they have never decided to re-do Donkey Kong in a new style too.
EDIT: I'm not really sure why I keep saying "so-and-so on the 3DS would be neat" when I don't even plan on getting a 3DS anytime in the near future. I just plain don't want one. I'm fine with my DS Lite for now (which I haven't even been playing because I've been too addicted to TSR and ripping... ).