04-10-2011, 11:36 AM
Jesus christ
Grown men arguing about a blue rodent that wears red shoes, that can travel at the speed of sound
I love you, internet, I love you so much.
But yeah.
Probably not gonna be anything spectacular. Whoever said "You can only go so far" is right. I'm satisfied if they make it enjoyable.
Maybe it'll have Classic Sonic playable and new Sonic playable too. That would be awesome.
You know what characters I want to be playable?
Sonic. -Both-
Knuckles. -Both, if possible-
Tails. -Both.-
Because they all kick ass. No Shadow is needed. I gotta say, I loves me some Shadow. Just like I loves me some Vegeta.
But you don't need him. I'm sorry.
And.. you know what I want? You know what I really, REALLY want?
I want.
This is how I want it to work-
Different villian for different type of character
like in S3&K. Or just S&K, rather. Knuckles with Egg Robo, Sonic with Robotnik.
New sonic- Eggman as the villian.
Old sonic- goddamned Robotnik as the villian.
If that happens, I will be happy.
As for the levels I'm expecting, I EXPECT Winged Fortress. Seriously. That shit needs a remix. Fucking serious.
And Scrap Brain zone, even though that won't happen ;_____;
Pretty much, I want the industrial levels. Robotic levels. Like Oil Ocean. I want some Oil Ocean in there.
Metropolis can suck a dick, fuck that level so hard.
Honestly, I'd love to see a LOT of Sonic 2 levels. I'd love some Hilltop and Mystic Cave, just to see how they'd make it look.
As for Sonic 3 levels, they have to have Angel Island in it. I don't even like that level. In fact, I hate that level. But you know what's awesome about the level? The act 2 parallax. Where everything hits the shitter and goes all fiery.
That's awesome. That is epic. With all the robotic flying things flying around and fucking shit up.
Death Egg zone -Sonic 2- has to be remade.. Really, it does.
I don't really care about Hydrocity. I love the music, but the level is so.. so blah.
I'd like to say I want some Marble Garden, but it's pretty boring too. I want Launch Base too. Launch Base always felt so epic.
Imagine a giant HD Death Egg in the background, just sitting there waiting to blow some shit up.
As for Sonic CD levels, I love them all for the sole reason of seeing them in a pre-historic peaceful state and a post-apocalyptic robotic state. That's amazing.
Above all else, I really want to see Stardust Speedway (METAL FUCKING SONIC RACE) and Metallic Madness.
And for SA2 and SA.. Uhh..
I guess Green Forest, and both of the ARK levels I can't remember. The really fucking hard ones with the rails and shit.
I just hope they don't fuck it up bigtime. This is a wetdream coming to life, seriously. I hope classic Sonic comes into the story, and some mega-giant-holy shit Robotnik's ripping a hole in the space-time continuum story will happen.
I don't know.
Something epic, for god's sake, please.
Grown men arguing about a blue rodent that wears red shoes, that can travel at the speed of sound
I love you, internet, I love you so much.
But yeah.
Probably not gonna be anything spectacular. Whoever said "You can only go so far" is right. I'm satisfied if they make it enjoyable.
Maybe it'll have Classic Sonic playable and new Sonic playable too. That would be awesome.
You know what characters I want to be playable?
Sonic. -Both-
Knuckles. -Both, if possible-
Tails. -Both.-
Because they all kick ass. No Shadow is needed. I gotta say, I loves me some Shadow. Just like I loves me some Vegeta.
But you don't need him. I'm sorry.
And.. you know what I want? You know what I really, REALLY want?
I want.
This is how I want it to work-
Different villian for different type of character
like in S3&K. Or just S&K, rather. Knuckles with Egg Robo, Sonic with Robotnik.
New sonic- Eggman as the villian.
Old sonic- goddamned Robotnik as the villian.
If that happens, I will be happy.
As for the levels I'm expecting, I EXPECT Winged Fortress. Seriously. That shit needs a remix. Fucking serious.
And Scrap Brain zone, even though that won't happen ;_____;
Pretty much, I want the industrial levels. Robotic levels. Like Oil Ocean. I want some Oil Ocean in there.
Metropolis can suck a dick, fuck that level so hard.
Honestly, I'd love to see a LOT of Sonic 2 levels. I'd love some Hilltop and Mystic Cave, just to see how they'd make it look.
As for Sonic 3 levels, they have to have Angel Island in it. I don't even like that level. In fact, I hate that level. But you know what's awesome about the level? The act 2 parallax. Where everything hits the shitter and goes all fiery.
That's awesome. That is epic. With all the robotic flying things flying around and fucking shit up.
Death Egg zone -Sonic 2- has to be remade.. Really, it does.
I don't really care about Hydrocity. I love the music, but the level is so.. so blah.
I'd like to say I want some Marble Garden, but it's pretty boring too. I want Launch Base too. Launch Base always felt so epic.
Imagine a giant HD Death Egg in the background, just sitting there waiting to blow some shit up.
As for Sonic CD levels, I love them all for the sole reason of seeing them in a pre-historic peaceful state and a post-apocalyptic robotic state. That's amazing.
Above all else, I really want to see Stardust Speedway (METAL FUCKING SONIC RACE) and Metallic Madness.
And for SA2 and SA.. Uhh..
I guess Green Forest, and both of the ARK levels I can't remember. The really fucking hard ones with the rails and shit.
I just hope they don't fuck it up bigtime. This is a wetdream coming to life, seriously. I hope classic Sonic comes into the story, and some mega-giant-holy shit Robotnik's ripping a hole in the space-time continuum story will happen.
I don't know.
Something epic, for god's sake, please.