If we wanna talk about people who have a ref of opposite gender...
teeeeeechnically, Kiti is not my ref, but my actual ref would be a shady, amorphous muck monster. I just use Kiti as an excuse to get fanart.
@MJ, anyways, your own "redesign" of Mighty really isn't enough to make him noticeably different. The redesign provided by Rabid was more different (different enough for a bomberman character, anyway) and would probably be better. You can also try to continue redesigning your character until it resembles the original much less, but otherwise, I don't think your OC is different enough to not be considered an "Original The Character."
teeeeeechnically, Kiti is not my ref, but my actual ref would be a shady, amorphous muck monster. I just use Kiti as an excuse to get fanart.
@MJ, anyways, your own "redesign" of Mighty really isn't enough to make him noticeably different. The redesign provided by Rabid was more different (different enough for a bomberman character, anyway) and would probably be better. You can also try to continue redesigning your character until it resembles the original much less, but otherwise, I don't think your OC is different enough to not be considered an "Original The Character."