10-11-2008, 10:27 PM
(10-10-2008, 02:40 PM)Miles07 Wrote: Check here. I know it's a M&L tutorial, but look down near the bottom where it says "Animation". Gasp! A clue! Use what it says there for starters, then compare to other Sonic Advance-styled sheets, or, even better, Sonic Battle-style sheets. Like, for instance, when the characters get knocked backward. Or when Knuckles punches. Just to start.
Thanks so much everyone, and I forgot to say thanks to you Miles07 you welcomed me and gave me many tips. Oh so you meant that speed blurring, alright Ill do my best. As for the "walking" and grabbing a ledge and some more are not that great cuz a friend helped me ^^; thats not to say Im much better but I shoulve polished them