(08-04-2011, 12:31 AM)Glukom Wrote: Angry Birds - Maybe it's a bit unfair to pick on an iPhone game, but I legitimately don't see why so many people like it. There's pretty much no challenge, and really no skill involved in winning, it's nothing but a diversion with passable visuals. I'm sure there are hundreds of more fun iPhone games (Doodle Jump, for one example), yet for some reason Angry Birds is huge. idk can somebody who likes angry birds explain the appeal to me
People like angry birds mostly because it's one of those games that's simple enough where people can pick up and play with. kind of like pac-man and galaga in a sense really.
(08-06-2011, 01:43 PM)Rakia Wrote: I didn't really want to make a topic for this, but I guess this kinda fits in here?
Really old, but
I honestly can not respect Roger Eberts opinions. He seems to me so thick headed and old-timey.
He's ridiculous.
this is a pretty old subject you brought up.
From my stand point of view his opinions are vastly under thought. It's almost like saying movies and songs aren't art yet so many people believe they are.
Why he chooses to believe video games aren't art, If I recall correctly vipershark pointed out in a topic made for this was that anything can be an art.