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Even though I have no PS3, I've been playing it at school and its really damn fun. The controls are a little bit hard to use because the 3-layered ground level makes you have to keep the joystick almost-precisely to the left or right to not screw up. It takes awhile to get used to the jumping/running speed/acceleration, but after a bit, moving becomes second nature.

Still, it's an extremely fun game, the idea of the level editor is the big seller, since the game only had about 24 levels.

Also, because LBP pulled an Ocarina of Time Fire Temple, the games release is moved from the 21st to the 27th.

(I wonder what this'll mean for the copies of LBP we were given in our class, I mean, they can't be taken back, maybe they can be recalled though)

Who's getting it?
Got one. Smile
***Read-Team Yoshi-***
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Messages In This Thread
LittleBigPlanet - by LilGrim1991 - 10-18-2008, 08:32 AM
RE: LittleBigPlanet - by Confessor - 10-18-2008, 08:47 AM
RE: LittleBigPlanet - by Ninspriterx - 10-18-2008, 08:55 AM
RE: LittleBigPlanet - by Desert Cat - 10-19-2008, 07:37 AM
RE: LittleBigPlanet - by DioShiba - 10-19-2008, 04:19 PM

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