10-18-2011, 06:48 AM
(09-29-2011, 01:06 PM)Goemar Wrote: And a fake no doubt, I mean I don't even know if the original is even for sale - where ever it is... I would also never use Star Fox 2 and amazing in the same sentence...
The SNES and N64 (and 3DN64, I mean, 3DS) ones are good. The rest sucked balls. Assault seemed to try, and then they just messed it up trying to add crap to it.
Adventures was just a slap in the face. Not a Star Fox game, then being one and then being rushed. The first half is pretty decent and then you can tell Rare just said "Fuck it, lets call it a day" and it fell to pieces.
Star Fox DS was alright, but simply failed to stand next to previous games in the series. It felt more as if a different company had made an alright game that was like Star Fox rather than a Star Fox game.
Backtracking the topic but yes Goemar.. Starfox 2 American version is a fake, and there is no original.. it was never released..
And why can't Starfox 2 be amazing.. Lol, you can switch from Arwing to a Land shooter on the fly.. that's pretty cool.
Tell me that doesn't look interesting... I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail.. I spent a lot of money on it haha.