is it plausible for you to see a therapist or see about getting medication?
if you can afford it, i mean
i don't wanna be all GRAR GRAR DRUG YO'SELF UP but I put off getting help for a long time, and other than a kind of unpleasant adjustment period, going on celexa / citalopram has worked out pretty well for me. I still occasionally have problems with Unpleasant Thoughts and the odd off-day but I'm mostly keeping it together a lot better than before.
if you can afford it, i mean
i don't wanna be all GRAR GRAR DRUG YO'SELF UP but I put off getting help for a long time, and other than a kind of unpleasant adjustment period, going on celexa / citalopram has worked out pretty well for me. I still occasionally have problems with Unpleasant Thoughts and the odd off-day but I'm mostly keeping it together a lot better than before.