12-02-2011, 06:11 PM
Mom: "I don't get what he doesn't get it." (he = my brother)
Me: "Get what?"
Mom: "That being mean to people doesn't make them want to do what you want."
Me: "Maybe because you've taught him that being mean is how you get what you want?"
Mom: "No."
Me: "You get what you want by hitting, beating, and screaming."
Mom: "Tshp. No."
Me: "..."
Sister: "I'm on Nate's side."
Mom: "There is no "side.""
Me: "There kind of is.."
Mom: "No, there's no side. There's no debate."
Me: "Get what?"
Mom: "That being mean to people doesn't make them want to do what you want."
Me: "Maybe because you've taught him that being mean is how you get what you want?"
Mom: "No."
Me: "You get what you want by hitting, beating, and screaming."
Mom: "Tshp. No."
Me: "..."
Sister: "I'm on Nate's side."
Mom: "There is no "side.""
Me: "There kind of is.."
Mom: "No, there's no side. There's no debate."