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Adventure Island: The Beginning Models!
here's a gift for you people as a late Christmas gift or a new year's gift

happy 2012 everyone! I can't wait for these to be uploaded ^^

here's a example image!

[Image: 157n603.jpg]

here's the pack

it has 50 models for you to enjoy!

Here's the icon for when you click to see the models when they are uploaded

[Image: 21juiit.jpg]

here's the Boss Icons

[Image: 4i20pc.jpg] [Image: t9jt7b.jpg] [Image: 14lm0wk.jpg] [Image: ogvzie.jpg]

Character Icons

[Image: 24o7m9w.jpg] [Image: 2j1o12q.jpg] [Image: t99zef.jpg]

Enemies Icons

[Image: o7qes2.jpg] [Image: 1zoi0k6.jpg] [Image: vpyflf.jpg] [Image: 2nh19p0.jpg][Image: qskqyu.jpg] [Image: 35co8jo.jpg] [Image: 2u5dwux.jpg] [Image: 14v1d07.jpg] [Image: 6teekk.jpg] [Image: ampr2b.jpg] [Image: 2j0m8gl.jpg] [Image: 24mxj40.jpg] [Image: 25ew7lv.jpg]

Objects Icons

[Image: xmq0xz.jpg] [Image: 10rikj8.jpg] [Image: 2wekxuh.jpg] [Image: 10zwqiv.jpg] [Image: z4rja.jpg] [Image: opwjte.jpg] [Image: ra2k1w.jpg] [Image: 2d3m9k.jpg] [Image: 346297t.jpg] [Image: x53xc8.jpg] [Image: 123pr0n.jpg] [Image: b7xqhe.jpg] [Image: sbrk39.jpg] [Image: 2s1t5hj.jpg] [Image: 3313qcn.jpg] [Image: 24bvxfl.jpg] [Image: 2uz6kpc.jpg] [Image: 2wqde1d.jpg] [Image: 10753ti.jpg] [Image: 2iuumpt.jpg] [Image: 28vqg5s.jpg] [Image: v5xth5.jpg] [Image: 152hq2o.jpg]

Weapons Icons

[Image: 244w806.jpg] [Image: 2j6a9eg.jpg] [Image: 21d0e14.jpg] [Image: 6868vo.jpg]

it is ready for uploading as well ^^
Thanked by: Friedslick6

Messages In This Thread
Adventure Island: The Beginning Models! - by senjen - 12-27-2011, 07:01 PM

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