01-30-2012, 04:12 PM
@Wiiboy4ever: You don't have to rip the shadows. It's really up to you. We normally leave in the shadows for enemies, though. Unless the character jumps, then we separate the shadow. Good luck!
@Mighty Jetters: Ya, the game starts off a little slow. If you want something else to do, you could always just try and grab what's missing along the way, just so you're not playing through the whole game for one thing. Just a suggestion. Also, Kylie should have no more new poses once the Elder Shrooboid turns her into a mushroom. If there's anything missing, it'll be right before the credits, which I can easily grab for you.
@Mighty Jetters: Ya, the game starts off a little slow. If you want something else to do, you could always just try and grab what's missing along the way, just so you're not playing through the whole game for one thing. Just a suggestion. Also, Kylie should have no more new poses once the Elder Shrooboid turns her into a mushroom. If there's anything missing, it'll be right before the credits, which I can easily grab for you.